Home: Senoina 14, Split, 21 000, Croatia, Europe work: Palmoticeva 39, Zagreb 10 000, Croatia, Europe.


1992 - present : Practicing of architecture and interior design - Design and architecture development - Works and Researches on Contemporary architecture, Essences and Spaces and Architectural contact with reality, Investigating the position and the role of architecture 2000 - present : Training and courses in Italy by the first standard company of interior and design furniture 2002 - present : Planning, design houses and buildings - Own Architectural practice, Collaboration with other young architects, Competitions 2006 - Works in studio of academician dia Branko Kincl


Planning, designing and surveillance of architectural and performance parameters / form and function / while project and building, studying details, constructions, samples and models, preparation of architectural presentations reports and formation methods and coordination with the collaboration personnel / associates.



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